Nicknamed ‘Silver’ because of its characteristic silver warm-
weather color, the Coho travels in schools spring and summer,
so if you catch one, chances are there are others nearby. Coho
is the most delicate-tasting salmon caught in the Great Lakes.
Illinois record: 20 lbs 9 oz. 5-24-72
This is the ‘big bruiser’ of the lake salmon, earning it the
nickname of King. As they are brought to the net, their large,
rudder-like tails often break the surface; a great sight for any
fisherman, and one that makes a great photo.
Illinois record: 37 lbs. 8-7-76
These big boys love the coldest, deepest levels of the lake,
so we routinely fish for them just a few feet off the bottom.
Once hooked, they fight like bulldogs to avoid being
captured. The most oily flesh of the lake fish, the lake trout
is perfect for smoking.
Illinois record: 38 lbs 4 oz. 8-22-99
Known as acrobats, steelhead will rocket into the air to
shake the lure, if possible. And they are often successful,
which make them one of the toughest fish to keep on
the hook. If you are skillful enough to catch one,
steelhead make for delicious eating.
Illinois record: 31 lbs 6.72 oz. 7-10-93
A bashful fish, they are hard to find, and sometimes even
harder to catch. Once hooked their instinct is to dive deep;
if that doesn’t work, they will change course and burst into
the air. We’ve sighted several exceptionally large brown trout
in Lake Michigan in recent years and believe the catch
record is ready to be broken.
Illinois record: 36 lbs 11.5 oz. 6-22-97